How to Focus on Intentional Living

How to Focus on Intentional Living

These days, it seems, we're all far too busy with our own lives to stop and think about whether or not we're living intentionally. Work, school, relationships, money, and society all hinder our ability to take a step back and re-evaluate how we are living our life. We're so caught up in the fast lane we hardly ever stop to smell the roses. And, social media and technology don't help matters but only intensify our inability to really lead a conscious life according to our own beliefs and values. 

Intentional living isn't something you can change overnight. The lifestyle requires you to really be aware of your fundamental beliefs and then consciously choose and make an effort to change the way you live. It is ensuring your behaviour reflects your beliefs and values. To do so, you have to dive deep into yourself and figure out who you really are, what you believe in, and what you stand for, and then make an effort to create a lifestyle based on those things. Not very many people even know who they really are and because of lack of self, it can take days, weeks, months, and even years to transition your hectic and chaotic life into one of intentional living. 

Living intentionally involves discovering your fundamental beliefs, which can be a mixture of things you hold true, including religious, ethical, or political views and values. It can also be based on something close to you like a personal transformation, leaderful training, or specialized coaching. What matters is you dive deep into yourself to figure out what you believe and stand for and then live your life accordingly. 

Because this epiphany of self takes time, you can easily transition into intentional living by focusing on living with positive intentions (sometimes, this is a smaller and more manageable first step). With a focus on doing good and being good, you can start to change the way you see and experience life. By surrounding yourself with positive vibes, people, situations, and mindsets, you're on a clear path to being more positive. Those around you might even notice your change of heart, and set on their own path of intentional living. Being positive is contagious. 

To really and truly live a lifestyle of intentionality (which varies from person to person), you have to realize life is made up of choices. Each morning brings a new day, and it is your responsibility to decide how you'll live it. You'll either wake positive and stay positive throughout the day or let forces pull you to negativity. 

Also, because we do not live in a vacuum, it's important to understand how society impacts our daily choices. When something from your day interrupts your positivity, you can either let it impact you or choose to walk a different path.

Malas are necklaces you can wear to help remind you of your good intentions or of a specific affirmation you hold dear. These accessories are more than just pieces of jewelry; they are a constant reminder of your efforts to live life positively. So, when life gets you down or gets in the way of your desire to live intentionally, Malas can help centre and ground you. 

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