Meet Katie: The Be Free Project

Meet Katie: The Be Free Project

Meet Katie: the amazing woman behind Be Free Project and Be Free Yoga. We recently partnered with Katie and the Be Free Project on our Be Free bracelet and are so inspired by her, we wanted to write a blog post! 
To get to know Katie a little bit better, we asked her about 9-5, her spirit animal, and more. 
How do you take a moment for yourself everyday? I am not much of a morning person but before I do anything I make myself a cup of warm lemon water and coffee and sit in my mediation corner, light a candle, smudge myself, and just sit. Sometimes I meditate, sometimes I journal, sometimes I just drink my coffee. 

What is the Be Free Project? The Be Free Project is a not-for-profit helping to break the stigma around mental health. We provide the tools of storytelling, yoga and meditation to those affected by mental health. We teach classes around the community working with Alberta Health Services offering yoga classes for both in-patient and out-patient mental health clinics. We also help subsidize passes for those who are able to feel comfortable practicing yoga in a studio setting. 

What/ who inspires you on a daily basis? My students inspire me daily, how they constantly show up for themselves, and their practice no matter what's going on in their life, whether they are celebrating the amazing things or going through hardships. 
What does your 9-5 look like? I don't have a regular schedule as each day is a little different and I love that! But a pretty usual day looks like getting up and having my morning sit, moving my body whether I practice yoga or workout, and then heading into the studio (Be Free Yoga) and making sure everything is ready for the day ahead. I often teach class from 12-1pm and take the afternoon to catch up on emails and meetings if needed. Then, I spend the night at the studio teaching a couple more classes before coming home to my hubby and fur baby.
What is your spirit animal and why? My spirit animal can change depending on what I am moving through, but my constant is a unicorn. I think there is great mysteries and magic all around us and that anything is possible. The unicorn is a symbol of that, of opening up to the infinite possibilities it has to offer that. 
3 words to live by: I am enough. 
How does yoga help clear the mind? Yoga is a moving meditation, it creates a space for you to let go of all the busyness of the mind and bring your attention and awareness to your body. It is a time to create awareness not only around the physical body, but also how you are feeling in the mental and emotional body. We spend so much of our day plugged into everyone and everything else around us we are often unaware of what's going on within ourselves. Yoga is a way to come back to centre. 

What does a Mala mean to you? A Mala is a constant reminder to be present. I wear my Mala daily, meditate with it daily, and when I am feeling stressed or anxious all I have to do is reach for the Mala around my neck to feel instantly grounded and bring me back into the present moment. 

What is your go to treat? Chocolate, I have chocolate stashed everywhere. 

Stay up to date with Katie on Instagram (@katie_jolicoeur, @befree_project, @freewomanmovement

Photos by Jenn Clara Photography 
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